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Pettit, Dr. Robert E.

Dr. Robert E. Pettit

Robert E. Pettit was an electrical engineer, taught electronic guidance systems for the U.S. Air Force, and taught high school sciences in Missouri. He was a University of Missouri instructor for seven years, a professor at Texas A&M University for twenty-six years in plant sciences, and chairman of the board for the Subtle Energy Research Corporation for eight years.

Physical Body Ascension to the New Earth

There is a place you can go that is free from sickness, crime, and war. That place is not here on this Earth. Instead, it is on the New Earth. You can choose to obtain a new body and go there.

Wake Up for Ascension to a New Earth—or Leave

There is a place you can go—that place is a New Earth free from sickness, crime, and war. The Earth is shifting to a higher vibration—from the third density to the fourth and fifth densities.

You Can Avoid Physical Death

There is a place you can go that is free from sickness, crime, and war. That place is not here on this Earth. Instead, it is on the New Earth. And you can choose to obtain a new body and go there.