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City of Hymns - Tape

City of Hymns - Tape
Kenyon, Tom

(Audio Tape) Using his four-octave-range voice and his skill as a musician and tone healer, Tom Kenyon has interpreted these favorite hymns in a hauntingly sacred manner that leaves the listener deeply touched.

So why would a Buddhist record such an album? During meditation, Tom was approached by a being known as Jeshua (Jesus), who asked Tom to lend his other-worldly voice to create sound healing renditions of devotional hymns. Jeshua said he would be able to help many people, Christians and non-Christians, through the healing power of Tom's voice. You will be profoundly moved and uplifted by this collection of songs, regardless of religious belief.

Hymns include: In the Garden, Kumbaya, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Amazing Grace, What Child Is This?, The Prayer of St. Francis, The Lord's Prayer, and more!

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