The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path (Book 05): The Ascended Masters Light the Way; Beacons of Ascension
Stone, Dr. Joshua David Back In Stock - Order Now!
This book is dedicated to the saints and spiritual masters of all the religions and spiritual paths that have graced this planet. The lives and teachings of thirty-nine of the world’s greatest spiritual beacons provide a blueprint for total self-realization.
Receive inspiring guidance from those who have learned the secrets of mastery in their lifetimes:
- Sri Rama
- Sri Ramakrishna
- Swami Vivekananda
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Swami Sivananda
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Quan Yin
- Lao-tzu
- Confucius
- Orpheus
- Pythagoras
- Plato
- Zoroaster
- Mohammed
- the Virgin Mary
- Joseph Smith
- Krishnamurti
- Edgar Cayce
- the Holy Mother
- Giri Bala
- Baba Muktananda
- Buddha
- Mother Teresa
- Count Saint Germain
- Madam Blavatsky
- Hermes-Thoth
6 x 9
Book Series:
The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path
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