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Seth Speaks

Seth Speaks
Roberts, Jane

The Eternal Validity Of The Soul

One of the most powerful of the Seth books, "Seth Speaks" is an essential guide to conscious living. It clearly and powerfully articulates the furthest reaches of human potential and presents the concept that we are independent of our physical image and have access to intuitional knowledge and other dimensions of reality. "Seth Speaks" has withstood the test of time and is still considered one of the most dynamic and brilliant maps of inner reality and human potential available today.

“Each individual has access to intuitional knowledge and can gain glimpses of inner reality. The universe speaks to each of us in this regard…. Consciousness creates form. It is not the other way around. All personalities are not physical. It is only because you are so busily concerned with daily matters that you do not realize that there is a portion of you who knows that its own powers are far superior to those shown by the ordinary self.

“You have each lived other existences, and that knowledge is within you though you are not consciously aware of it. I hope that this book will serve to release the deeply intuitive self within each of my readers, and to bring to the foreground of consciousness whatever particular insights will serve you most.”

— Jane Roberts, Speaking for Seth

Praise for The Seth Books by Jane Roberts

“The Seth books present an alternate map of reality with a new diagram of the psyche . . . useful to all explorers of consciousness.”

— Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

“Seth was one of my first metaphysical teachers. He remains a constant source of knowledge and inspiration in my life.”

— Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love

“I would like to see the Seth books as required reading for anyone on their spiritual pathway. The amazing in-depth information in the Seth books is as relevant today as it was in the early ’70s when Jane Roberts first channeled this material.”

— Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life

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