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Shining the Light II: The Battle Continues

Shining the Light II: The Battle Continues
Shapiro, Robert

This book continues the story of the secret government and alien involvement as well as information about the photon belt, cosmic holograms photographed in the sky, a new vortex forming near Sedona, and nefarious mining on the sacred Hopi land.

Learn the current status of the sinister secret government and those who want to usurp its power and discover actual cosmic photographs of hidden crafts, beings, and events. The photon belt doctor comes to save Mother Earth. The truth becomes even stranger as the story of alien involvement in Earth history continues.

With Shining the Light II comes revelations both shocking and enlightening:

  • The nefarious doings of the secret government and their ET allies/enemies
  • The drama of cosmic forces bringing love and light to awaken humanity
  • The battle continues as humanity begins to face its shadow self (played by the secret government) and its god-self (played by the great cosmic teachers)
  • The epochal moment of truth as humanity looks inside and begins to realize that the continuing battle is within itself and that “out there” is a mirror
6 x 9
Book Series: 
Shining the Light Series
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