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Book Series

Robert Shapiro - Pocket-Sized Books

Benevolent Magic & Living Prayer

All 3 books for $29.85.

Cathy Chapman

The Golden Elohim on the Creation of Form

All 7 books for $176.65

This series contains:

Leia Stinnett - The Adventures Tee-la and De-Nar

Leia Stinnett - The Adventures Tee-la and De-Nar

The three book series of The Adventures Tee-la and De-Nar together for a limited time, just $29.85!

William Lowell Putnam

William Lowell Putnam

A Tale of Two Passes and How God Did It, Not Why together for $46.90.

Tina Louise Spalding

40 Days & 40 Nights

All five books together for $157.60.

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Spanish Editions

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Spanish Editions

El Antiguo Secreto de la Flor de la Vida, Volumen 1; El Antiguo Secreto de la Flor de la Vida, Volumen 2; and Viviendo En El Corazón together for $75.00.

Elliott Eli Jackson

Elliott Eli Jackson

The Sapiential Discourses and The Sapiential Discourses: Universal Wisdom Book II together for $33.90.

Rae Chandran

Angels and Ascension

All seven of Rae Chandran's books together for $103.70

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

Angels Explain God and The New Spirituality

Angels Explain Death and Prayer and Angels Explain God and The New Spirituality together for $33.90.

Lyssa Royal Series

Lyssa Royal Series

Galactic Heritage Cards, The Prism of Lyra, Visitors from Within, and The Golden Lake together for $86.80.

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