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Sedona Journal of Emergence January 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence January 2001

"It is time for you to work on becoming again who you really are in your heart or in your head. So many of you have come to this planet from other universes, other dimensions and other planets.

Sedona Journal of Emergence February 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence February 2001

"Your teachers come from many different dimensions and places.

Sedona Journal of Emergence March 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence March 2001

"You as human beings, occupying the world of duality at this particular time in history, are destined to play very integral parts in the dance of the new creations that are now coming to your world.

Sedona Journal of Emergence April 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence April 2001

"Using entertainment, music or books as an escape from the hard times of everyday life is good for you, but the content must be free from situations that only bring on more stress and distress.

Sedona Journal of Emergence May 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence May 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence May 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence June 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence June 2001

"At the beginning of this year, I reviewed the transits of the planets, month by month.

Sedona Journal of Emergence July 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence July 2001

"There flows forth about you great love and joy for the very decision you have made.

Sedona Journal of Emergence August 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence August 2001

People are gradually going back to that thing that feeds the heart, that tells them there's reason for it all.

Sedona Journal of Emergence September 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence September 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence September 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence October 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence October 2001

Sedona Journal of Emergence October 2001

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