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The Blue Jewel [DVD]

The Blue Jewel [DVD]
Miller, David K.
Lewis, Pepper

We are all living in a time of great change and transformation period. Some of these changes include global climate change, our economic and financial changes and the shifting of our personal relationships to our daily work life.

Structures which have held so far seem to be crumbling, and we begin to question them. As a result, a lot of societies' structures have become imbalanced. The film The Blue Jewel proposes new solutions to restore this balance. This equilibrium is so important to be able to live in peace, which is what each and every one of us wishes in the end. In peace with oneself, in peace within one's relationship with other people, and, last but not least, in peace with our Earth, the planet we are sharing. Follow me on a journey to meet planetary healers, who provide solutions restoring planetary balance. What starts out as a journey over the planet to restore balance turns into a journey to go within.

This audience award winning documentary film from the Cosmic Cine Film Festival offers viewers a method to bring personally and planetary balance into your life.

With: David K. Miller, Pepper Lewis, Gudrun Miller, Ruben Saufkie Sr., Dietmar Born, Ph.D Roger Nelson, Johanna & Ignaz Leitner.

  • "Amazing, what a gift this film is!"
  • "Fantastic!!! One of the best things I have ever seen in a movie theatre... thank you!"
  • "Thank you for this wonderful film, it is very inspiring!"
  • "A wonderful film — a true beauty; the blue jewel!"
  • "Gorgeous pictures, beautiful landscapes and a powerful message!"
  • "Finally a vision on how to heal the planet!"
  • "Congratulations on a shining, beautiful jewel of a movie."
96 minutes
Average: 5 (2 votes)