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Tober, Jan

Jan Tober

Jan has been an active metaphysician all of her life. Using this gift, plus her profound experience in music, she now concentrates her efforts in the goal of changing lives through sound and color. Her sound/color workshops are a featured part of the Kryon seminars worldwide, as well as her guided meditations. She has also released several related musical and artistic products. Besides traveling the world with the Kryon work, Jan has also presented three times at the United Nations in New York City.

An Indigo Celebration

More Messages, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children

Kryon and Kirael in Austria 2004 - DVD

This DVD contains the second video of a Kryon channeling ever released. Lee Carroll, Jan Tober, Kahu Fred Sterling, and the entire international Kryon team hosted a comprehensive two-day event in the beautiful city of Salzburg, Austria. The highlight of the event was presented on Sunday evening when Lee Carroll and Kahu Fred Sterling channeled Kryon and Kirael side-by-side. This DVD represents that Sunday night event.

Kryon Seminars: Guided Meditations - CD

Jan Tober presents two beautiful guided meditations similar to those delivered with each of the international Kryon seminars all over the world.

Kryon: In Austria - DVD

The first video of a Kryon channeling ever released! Lee Carroll, Jan Tober, and the entire international Kryon team presents this event live from Salzburg, Austria.

The Indigo Children

In this groundbreaking book, international authors and lecturers Lee Carroll and Jan Tober answer many of the often-puzzling questions surrounding Indigo children, such as:

The Indigo Children Ten Years Later

What's happening with the Indigo Teenagers?

The Journey Home

The intent of this album is to provide a peaceful, safe place. Becoming quiet while meditating or praying is the most profound way to hear that still, powerful inner-voice, which all of us have.