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2009 & Beyond - CD

2009 & Beyond by Pepper Lewis-CD
Lewis, Pepper

Once again, and more specific than ever, Gaia offers us a detailed and expanded view of the year ahead. The year 2009 will focus on the global effect of our collective consciousness as solutions begin to replace setbacks. Join Gaia and Pepper in an exploration of our personal and planetary journey during this amazing and unprecedented time.

Topics Include:
• Insights and Incentives: Economic sustainability in a changing world, wealth management, and world currencies
• Power in Politics: Power versus force on the political stage, ownership versus leadership in government, the new world order
• Consolidating Waste: Sustainability and natural resources, the future of our food supply, econeighborhoods and microcommunities
• Love and Compassion: Redefining relationships, family values, the young and the young at heart
• Health and Wellness: "Edge" medicine, organ(ic) systems and the evolution of the human body
• Spirituality and Religion: The search for certainty in an uncertain world, wisdom, and the will.

Plus—Earth’s Kingdoms Speak: An opportunity for fire, water, earth and air to speak directly about their present and future condition.

Earth’s Elements Speak: The animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms share their own unique perspectives.

4-CD Audio Presentation

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