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A Year of Forgiveness

A Year of Forgiveness

A Course In Miracles Lessons with Commentary from Jesus.

This book is designed to be a companion text to your larger A Course In Miracles book. It is designed to assist your understanding of the daily lessons offered in A Course In Miracles workbook with guided daily commentaries from Jesus channeled through Tina Spalding.

These commentaries came through daily during Tina’s yearlong reading of the lessons of A Course in Miracles presented on YouTube in 2019. Many have found them very helpful in coming to understand the meaning and purpose of the lessons.

This book is beautifully bound with a foil embossed cover, page edges in sparkling foil gilding, and is filled with colorful hand drawn images meant to inspire.

Lessons and Commentaries Include

  • Conflicting wishes cannot be my will
  • This instant is the only time there is
  • I will not fear to look within today
  • In fearlessness and love, I spend today
  • I judge all things as I would have them be
  • I see all things as I would have them be
  • Now let a new perception come to me
  • I seek a future different from the past
  • All gifts my fellow humans give belong to me
  • All gifts I give my fellow humans are my own
  • I follow in the way appointed me
  • In me, salvation’s means and end are one
  • I came for the salvation of the world
  • My Father gives all power unto me
  • Father, my freedom is in you alone
  • I can give up but what was never real
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This book is beautifully


This book is beautifully bound with a foil embossed cover, page edges in sparkling foil gilding, and is filled with colorful hand drawn images meant to inspire.



Engagingly complementing the profound lessons of A Course In Miracles Tina Spaldings guided commentaries offer a unique perspective enhancing the journey of understanding and enlightenment.