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Forever Young

Forever Young
Clark, Gladys Iris

You Can Create a Longer, Younger Life

Viewing a lifetime that spans nearly a century, a remarkable woman shares the secrets she has gleaned from her world travels and spiritual journey.

From a sod house in the Cherokee Strip in Oklahoma Territory to life as the wife of a Hollywood lawyer, she has experienced the most vital influences of our time. Always seeking the secret to longevity, she has distilled it to LLLLL: Love, Light, Laughter, Longing, and Learning.

With wit and profound understanding, Gladys Iris Clark weaves succinct observations from her studies in comparative religions, preventative aging, and her own tested practices to provide a guide to longevity and rejuvenation. It is a manual for all ages.

Here are practical and readily accessible tools for optimizing vitality. You will find advice on nutrition, skin treatment, ancient Tibetan exercises, crystals, sex, earth changes, and channels she has known. Always she maintains that no life is worth living without God’s love—a keen understanding and a zest for life, as portrayed in the Keys of Enoch, which became a primary interest for her.

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It is a manual for all


It is a manual for all ages.

A remarkable woman looks back


A remarkable woman looks back on a life that spans almost a century and offers the insights she has gained from her travels across the world and spiritual journey.